Fraud Investigation at Banks and Financial Institutions

Improvements in automated anti-fraud systems and 'know your customer' (KYC) compliance at banks and brokerage firms have reduced the incidence of fraudulent activity related to money laundering, identify theft and wire fraud. Yet despite advances in account screening and security protocols, financial institutions remain a common target for fraudulent schemes and related crimes.

Hudson Intelligence provides investigative support for banks, credit unions, brokerage firms and mutual fund institutions. We work with in-house attorneys and outside counsel, as well as bank executives and personnel in operational units such as loan, mortgage and fraud departments.

Bank Fraud Investigation

Every investigation at Hudson Intelligence is led by a Certified Fraud Examiner. Our experienced investigators deliver intelligence, discretion and professionalism when conducting investigations for financial institutions – including sensitive inquiries pertaining to customers, employees and partners.

We have assisted financial institutions, insurers and law firms with investigations of mortgage fraud, wire fraud, internet fraud, payment fraud, bankruptcy fraud and investment fraud. We have also led investigations of rogue traders, corruption, collusion and internal fraud schemes.

In addition to fraud investigation, Hudson Intelligence specializes in comprehensive personal and commercial asset searches to support financial recovery in litigation, settlement, and post-judgment collection.

Consult an Investigator

If you would like to discuss a potential investigation, please complete the form below. You can also speak with an investigator by contacting our offices at 800-580-8755.